Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Makes A Military Family...

The other day I was sitting on my computer staring at old pictures from before Jason and I ever got married, before he ever thought of joining the military, before I ever thought my husband , my best friend could ever be going over to help fight a war.

Before, things were different Jason had weekends off, we never really worried about money, we always could decide Hey! This weekend will be great for a trip!

But now No! Our months our filled with Drill dates, training schedules and working +40 hours a week to make sure we can make rent for the next month.

When there is time for Family Time. We spend it sitting together sitting on the couch watching Planet 51 for 546542134854 time. But really it’s the best.

So the question in the beginning hmmm what makes a military family different from your normal down the street on the corner family? Well yes I have figured it out. Its all that LOVE you have to put into it. And all the LOVE you get out. Yeah its hard. don’t get me wrong. Saying later gator to your loved one right after you’ve gotten married or thinking about how their going to miss those special events sucks. A lot of families learn to adjust. They learn to cherish each and every moment they have with that person. I mean come on every family is special, but a military family is the most unique family you will ever meet. One day my kids will be able to say Hey my dad fought a war so us Americans could have all the stuff we have!

So even though there will be hard times and those little fights that you think GREAT I cant believe I just said that. Theres always going to be that LOVE that Love that no one else has or take away. Its like that Beatles Song All you need is LOVE. Well it’s the truth!

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