Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Parenting. How do you know if your doing it right??

I havn't posted in forever. I kept thinking to myself what I should blog about. But for a while I havn't had any serious bull shit to say. Plus no one is reading this anyways. Its like a little keepsake nonsense diary my kids can read when I'm dead and they can laugh and be like oh yeah mom was this crazy!

Anyways, back to my topic at hand. Parenting. You know, I am one. I know nothing. I mean I know stuff like how to make pancakes with out burning them and how to change diapers. Heat up bottles and make hot chocolate with just enough marsh mallow, but there are days when I'm like WTF! HELP!
When I first had my son, Parker, I had no freaking clue what I was done. The basic yes, but not the why is crying all the time and the fever shit.  I had no idea. I went to doctor and paid so much money in co pays because I did not know! As he got older things got easier, but now he's 6 and he has this personality. Ugh sad to say, but he is my child. He's sooo fucking sensitive. I feel bad. I don't want him to be.  I want him to be tough. I want him to be the leader. I tell him I don't think you'll have friend because you always cry! How mean of me! Why am I being this way?! But then at the end of the day I sit with him and we chat I ask him why were you crying and he will tell me "well so and so didn't want to play with me" or "this person hit me". A. If someone doesn't want to play with you find new friends. Friends who will play with you. Parker is a very well rounded kid. You could throw him into a pack of lions and they would love him (thank you Rachael) but at the end of the day I still don't know if I did it right. And lord I have a daughter Pepper what will that be like!
Raising children is an incredibly hard and risky business in which no cumulative wisdom is gained: each generation repeats the mistakes the previous one made.

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