Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Parenting. How do you know if your doing it right??

I havn't posted in forever. I kept thinking to myself what I should blog about. But for a while I havn't had any serious bull shit to say. Plus no one is reading this anyways. Its like a little keepsake nonsense diary my kids can read when I'm dead and they can laugh and be like oh yeah mom was this crazy!

Anyways, back to my topic at hand. Parenting. You know, I am one. I know nothing. I mean I know stuff like how to make pancakes with out burning them and how to change diapers. Heat up bottles and make hot chocolate with just enough marsh mallow, but there are days when I'm like WTF! HELP!
When I first had my son, Parker, I had no freaking clue what I was done. The basic yes, but not the why is crying all the time and the fever shit.  I had no idea. I went to doctor and paid so much money in co pays because I did not know! As he got older things got easier, but now he's 6 and he has this personality. Ugh sad to say, but he is my child. He's sooo fucking sensitive. I feel bad. I don't want him to be.  I want him to be tough. I want him to be the leader. I tell him I don't think you'll have friend because you always cry! How mean of me! Why am I being this way?! But then at the end of the day I sit with him and we chat I ask him why were you crying and he will tell me "well so and so didn't want to play with me" or "this person hit me". A. If someone doesn't want to play with you find new friends. Friends who will play with you. Parker is a very well rounded kid. You could throw him into a pack of lions and they would love him (thank you Rachael) but at the end of the day I still don't know if I did it right. And lord I have a daughter Pepper what will that be like!
Raising children is an incredibly hard and risky business in which no cumulative wisdom is gained: each generation repeats the mistakes the previous one made.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

People in General...

People in general lately have seriously been getting on my nerves. Or well I should say its certain people that I know. Their the people who think they know it ALL! Have to know everyone and everything. I like knowing people and I knowing some stuff but when is it enough?
Maybe I'm being ruthless but Its just like question question and then your like &#$%%#$%#$ in the brain explodes because there just isn't enough answers in the world to satisfy.
Well this good little Rant.
Thank you

Monday, July 2, 2012

All The cuSs WordS in the World !#$#$!

Oh Lordy its been awhile since I have blogged on this bitch. 
Sorry to all my MILLIONS of followers. Just kidding. I have like  6 :)

My husband got back from AfCrapIstan (afghanistan) in January all Safe and Nonsense. Sometime we'll be walking in Walmart and he gets all weird and paranoid. But you should always be that way at Walmart honestly. My kids are growing. Parker turned 5 and acts 12 or some other random older number that talks back and slams  his door. My daughter Pepper is 18 months. Growing like a monkey. Climbing on nonsense and shoving food in her face. 

Not sure about my siblings. One had a kid. Another went to prison and the Girl Stevie got a job and finally got her shit together or well I think. Theres always rumors.
But their a live so I guess thats good :)

Anyways. Sorry for ignoring the blog. Or well I'm kinda annoyed with myself for not updating it last year. I think a lot of people thought I would to keep them update but ekk ugh FUCK. It was a long long year. 
It was hard with kids and not a lot of help. Felt useless. Always worrying about money and scared about Jason being gone. People would always be talking about how they were saving money and taking these awesome trips. It was like people were just trying to throw in my face that shit was just better for them. Now that its over I don't even speak to half the people I hung out with. Only like 2 girls. My bestest. My bigg sister. ((they know who they are)) With out them last year it would have just sucked it bad. 

    I dropped from my FRG (family readiness group) also. I was really hurt and tired of the bullshit that was going on with it. Some people think that others will be going and doing all the work for them. No I won't, not anymore. People (me) didn't even get the recognition they deserved. So now that fire has been put out I can focus on getting a job, school? cooking more. Who the hell knows. :)

This one is over but...

Shit to live by....

Love is my religion - I could die for it. ~John Keats

Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station.
Robbie Coltrane

Robert Downey Jr.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am nothing but, Proud!

As you know I am the wife an American Soldier. I am damn proud of my husband and my friends who are fighting for the country I live in. I know alot of people have their opinions about the war and yes it may be pointless to some people to have the soldiers over there but why bitch moan and groan about it. Their doing something you can not do or well maybe you just don't have the balls to do. I honestly could never leave my babies for longer then a day. My husband is my hero and I just thought I would blog that!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


So has alot of you know I have 2 brothers and one sister. Mack, Frankie, and Stevie.
Frankie recently got out of jail. He went because he decided to mess up his house arrest. Well he got out 2 days before Thanksgiving and he's been staying with me.Well in the past week all he's done is piss me off. I'm sorry, not to sit here and air my families dirty laundry but FUCK..ever since Jason left for training all he's done is give me his fucked up attitude. From what he says I'm supposed to take care of him. Like its my duty to man freaken kind to make sure he's taken care of. Mind you he's 19 and an adult. I should just kick his ass to the street, but one thing you should know about I CARE WAY TO MUCH! I will lay my life down for someone in my family. But first and for most my kids and my husband, then my idiotic brothers and sister. Mack and I are pretty good terms right now, Stevie and I, well we won't even get into that. Frankie and I...honeslty I don't know anymore. I'm about to 35 weeks pregnant and I'm miserable because my brother decides to treat me like shit even though my husband and I are paying his way. I mean Hey I'll help him but why should I at this point. He thinks I abuse him. I don't beat him, I don't sit there and call him horrible names. Well I've called him a RETARD acouple of times but I havn't called him anything else. He tells me I'm suppose to treat him a certain way bc he's a recovering heroin addict and Hey I'll treat you good. I make sure he's fed, give him a house to live in and also a bed to sleep in. But as we can tell its not good enough. Its exhausting and really at this point I'm venting. I really wish at this point I had kept it to myself. I don't think Jason wants to hear me complain about this anymore but he knows how much I LOVE my brothers and my sister.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Makes A Military Family...

The other day I was sitting on my computer staring at old pictures from before Jason and I ever got married, before he ever thought of joining the military, before I ever thought my husband , my best friend could ever be going over to help fight a war.

Before, things were different Jason had weekends off, we never really worried about money, we always could decide Hey! This weekend will be great for a trip!

But now No! Our months our filled with Drill dates, training schedules and working +40 hours a week to make sure we can make rent for the next month.

When there is time for Family Time. We spend it sitting together sitting on the couch watching Planet 51 for 546542134854 time. But really it’s the best.

So the question in the beginning hmmm what makes a military family different from your normal down the street on the corner family? Well yes I have figured it out. Its all that LOVE you have to put into it. And all the LOVE you get out. Yeah its hard. don’t get me wrong. Saying later gator to your loved one right after you’ve gotten married or thinking about how their going to miss those special events sucks. A lot of families learn to adjust. They learn to cherish each and every moment they have with that person. I mean come on every family is special, but a military family is the most unique family you will ever meet. One day my kids will be able to say Hey my dad fought a war so us Americans could have all the stuff we have!

So even though there will be hard times and those little fights that you think GREAT I cant believe I just said that. Theres always going to be that LOVE that Love that no one else has or take away. Its like that Beatles Song All you need is LOVE. Well it’s the truth!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The About Me Stage...

If your reading this from another state and we don't know each other, yes I live Las Vegas, No I do not party. Don't get me wrong before I had kids, it was on like Donkey Kong! Partyin, drinkin, and yes even a little smoking was done. Yes I was a little bit of H0e at one point, but really who wasn't. I love to dance. Even think I did it for money once or twice. Why lie. I was young and yes stupid.  Hopefully the people who read this don't judge, well really judge me, I don't care.

Anyways...Yes I have a boys name, Johnnie or well now I go by JohnnieAnne. I just added my middle name to my first name. I was tired of all the mail that Mr Johnnie Streight. It just got old.

I was born June 5, 1986. I will not put my age, do the math. I am married to a pretty awesome dude, Jason. We got married by good ol' Elvis and it was GREAT!
 We have one little dude Parker Vincent (name after Peter Parker, Spiderman and I can not remember how Jason came up witht he middle name) and yes another little brat on the way. Why lie their all brats. Were naming this one Pepper Abigail. I let my husband come up with the first name. If you know your Marvel comics then you know whats up.

Oh yes I have to mention the little bastards I grew up with. I have two brothers Mack and Frank (Frankie) and yes one bitchy sister, Stevie.

Mack is 18 months younger then me and Frankie and Stevie are 5 years younger then me.

My mom and dad were nuts as we can tell from the names they chose to give to their children. I won't even get into middle names.

Mack is a nut job! He is...well a great guy. He has dated some crazies. Well one! :) He would do anything for you. Well actually he would never share his food though. Great guy though, helped me get through some tough times by telling me to shut the fuck up and get over it. And yes he barks at my kid like a dog or sometimes even howls at him like wolf. Told you...Nut job!

Frankie, well I won't lie he's chillin in jail right now. The kid has made some mistakes and this is what needed to happen. I'm hoping now he has learned his lesson and will grow up when he gets out, but really who knows. The kid is awesome. He's helped me out alot. He's pretty awesome with Parker and likes to watch movies with me when Jason is gone. And he cleans!

Stevie well...she's her own speices. I love her, but sometimes she can be a bitch. Its honestly boring. She has a crap of a boyfriend who doesn't help her at all. She has a pretty good job and goes to school full time which impresses me because I thought she would just mooch off of Mack her awhole life. But no she tries. She has some pretty awesome friends also. Who well I LOVE like their my own.
I am very patriotic. I will stand up for this Crap of a country. My husband is in the National Guard and as much shit as his unit has put our family through we still love them all! I have made the greatest friends because of what my husband chose to do. Yes he wll be deploying soon. Yes I will blog about it the whole time!

I am a Stay at home mom. Theres nothing greater then knowing you taught your kid where his eyes are or even how to say EYE. I honestly never thought I would have kids. I thought I would live at home with my mom forever and one day become a head chef somewhere, but yes God had other plans. I used to go out every night get smashed go home and then well do all over again the next night. I went to school at one time, but then gave it all up to have a family. I wouldn't change it for anything.

I'm not a big believer in religion, even though yes I did go too a private Catholic school my whole life. I do believe that God is here, not sure where , but when I figure it out I will def. Blog about it.

God and I have had our spats in the past. I gave up fighting with the bug guy about a year ago. He took my mom and I knew it was the right thing for him to do. Now I know she will never have to worry again or well I won't have to worry anymore either. I feel like there is some weird plan for us all. Couldn't tell you what it is or how to find it but yeah there is one.

I live my life by the Serenity Prayer. My dad taught me that. He taught me to be kind but forgot to teach me how to stand for myself, but thats okay because yes I taught myself how to be a bitch and stand my ground. For alot of people who have known me my whole life, I will lay my life down for my family and take a bullet for my kids and husband. I will give you anything you need if I have it. I love my brothers and sister like their my own. Sad to say it, but I would do anything for them even though their all adults and should be able to take care of themselves.

My husband is my best friend, nothing will ever change that. The guy knows everything about me. My kids are my world. Parker can't even speak! Well I take that back he can speak but its like Gibberish! Its his own little language that my husband and I now understand.  I am so damn excited to have a little girl! I can't wait to share my girliness with another little girl. My son Parker is my Little Bear! I still hold him like a baby and rub his back when he cries. Most likly when he's 16 I'll still be doing the same shit. But most likly I'll be rubbing his back while he pukes from getting drunk for the first time.

I want my kids to know what love is and to never think I never loved them or didn't do enough. I never had some awesome rold model in my life so yes I fucked up along the way, but now I know what I want to teach them. For alot of people having kids is so far out for them and thats great! Take your time. Alot of people are selfish bastards and shouldn't have kids. Not be mean but I have aton of friends who should not have kids, but its not my place to tell them you suck.

Yes I am a clean freak and like things in order. I clean constantly even though I should be relaxing. Growing up our house was always a mess and it was soooo NASTY! We have a cat and thats it. I will not own a dog til we buy our own place and my husband trains it to shit outside. People think I'm weird because of the way that I am but its not weirdness, its me being unique or as my husband would say Special :)

I am part of some crazy group called the FRG. For all who do not knoq military acronyms, its stands for Family Readiness Group. Yes its cool , No its not fun (just kidding). I am the secretary and actually love taking the notes for the meetings. In retrospect, its a group of women who say they want to do something for everyone but really they just want something to bitch to their husbands about. Why lie?! I love the ladies that are in the group. I think they get me, but most likly they don't, because half the time I don't even get me.

I do cook. Love it!

I don't cook crazy gourmet meals. I cook wholesome family yummy meals!
I'm pretty sure Jason loves the fact I know how to cook even though my mom sucks at it. I have to thank my ex boyfriends mom Sherry for teaching me how to be a lady and well a good wife. My Aunti Kay also. She taught there was more in the mall other then jeans. I swear she was the first person to buy me my first pair of nice dress pants. Oh yes I need to mention my crazy blonde cousin Mendi. She is well pretty awesome. She's usually stuck in her own world, but who isn't half the time. The girl has been through hell and back with men but she's still out there trying to find "The One" as I call it. I tell her just to get out there and have sex but she apparently wants to get married to have sex! :)

Ahhh yes Sex. Greatest thing ever. I will mention it in my blogs. Sex is great. Sex is what brought me my children. Yes my husband and I love to have sex. :) Hopefully he doesn't read this and get all weird and make me change it.

Anyways people if theres anything else vist my Facebook page or just keep looking at my blogs. I'll keep writing if you all keep reading!
